Getting there

We finished up the bathroom project over the weekend. New mirror, no more wallpaper, new paint...Stacie even made curtains. I think it turned out pretty nice. The top picture is of the completed project.
Stacie hired a cleaning lady this week to help getting ready for the party. I think she is addicted to her now! She did all the windows and scrubbed the floors in the great room, sun porch, and computer room. The piece of carpet that we had in the great room was getting pretty stained and shoddy, so last night, Stacie, Gavin, and I took a trip to Ollie's for a new piece (Malin stayed at her Aunt Christie's). The piece we had before was about 8 x 10, the new piece is much bigger - 12 X 15. It's Berber, so it's not as soft as the plush we had there before. I think we are going to have to go back and get a pad for under it. The bottom picture is of the clean floors and the new carpet, even though the carpet doesn't really show up that well in the picture. Now the trick is to keep the kids out of there until the party!
Getting there, but still lots to do!

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