| Malin has been asking Grandma Aughey for weeks if the corn is ready to pick. Last weekend when we were there, she thought still a few more weeks. But Friday night she called and said we'd better get it picked before the dry weather ruined it. So Saturday morning, we headed on over to the farm, red wagon in tow. After spending a few minutes playing in the barnyard with the barn cats (pictures go clockwise from the upper left), we marched in the cornfield and the kids had lots of fun picking about 3 dozen ears of corn. Then, after making a delivery of 6 ears to Mee-maw and 13 ears to Mam-Maw and Pappy, we took the rest home where the kids helped Daddy husk about 15 ears. The kids didn't get to help cook it, but they sure helped to eat it! Finall tally: Daddy: 6 ears, Mommy: 3 ears, Malin: 3 ears, Gavin: 2 ears. Also, I don't know if it's obvious in this picture, but Gavin takes such big bites that he gets way down in to the cob. We have to tell him to 'eat it like a mouse'! |  |
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