Random Things

Easter pictures...Nana Noerr got the outfits for the kids for Easter! The kids looked adorable! Too bad Easter was so early and there were no flowers outside to take pictures with. But, they still looked adorable!
Today is Earth Day...do something for the earth today. We have been trying to we more aware of what we do. Living in Massachusetts we really got on to recycling. So, we recycle a lot and most weeks we have more in recycling than we do in garbage and that is with the diapers. I had wanted to switch to cloth diapers, but I just didn't think I had the time to devote to the additional laundry. We use "green" bags at the grocery store and sometimes I even remember to take them to other stores as well! We went this morning and picked up a few bags to take to the ladies who sew at Church. Malin took a flower to school to plant in the garden that her kindergarten class takes care of. She saw lots of flowers she wanted to buy, but she finally settled on a daisy type flower. She had wanted to get a butterfly bush, but I said, no. They will be releasing butterflies when they are ready, too.
My goal around the house is to reduce the amount of products that we use that have HFCS in them. It is amazing the amount of food that does! We already do not buy the juices for the kids, so that is easy! It is in applesauce, snack crackers, canned fruits, even a can of kidney beans that I looked at had it in! I will never completely get rid of it since it is in Heinz ketchup and Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing! Two condiments I can't live without! Well maybe I could give up that brand of Ranch, but not the ketchup! Anyway, I know it may increase my bill at the store, but I am glad that we have a choice of food products!
Today is the Pennsylvania Primary. I am not too excited about it, since I am registered Republican and we already have a nominee...but, I will still go vote since there are other elections going on as well. I will be glad to not see the Hillary/Obama commercials and here about their "criss-crossing the midstate" reports!
Still no baby Beward...anxiously awaiting becoming an aunt again! This will be the first time I will be able to go to the hospital and see a new niece or nephew...exciting for me!
Happy Earth Day!
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