Well, we've finished of our third or so day straight of mid-to-high 80's weather. At least it's getting down in to the 60's overnight, so there is some relief. I got started with another landscaping project mid-morning, and finished it up right around 11, a sweaty mess. Just as I was getting dried out, my Dad stopped by for about an hour. Along with visiting, he did some good 'consulting' work for me on various parts of my ongoing basement remodel, and even read some stories to Darin before his nap. (That would be Darin's nap, not Pap-Pap's). Stacie spent the morning getting caught up on housework, and then ran some errands and took care of some banking stuff that we had wanted to get straightened out for a while now. We got the kids a late lunch and before we knew it, it was time for Malin to head off to her first soccer practice. I am sure it was a hot one for her, but she still said that she had fun. After soccer, we picked up a friend of Malin's and headed to the swimming pool. Ordered Fox's pizza and ate that pool side before taking a tired bunch of kids home and getting them to bed. Nothing new on the job front today. Hoping for an offer from the interviews Monday soon, then time to concentrate on the ARL jobs. Oh, yeah -- pictures. I guess there's no excuse tonight...I don't know the story behind these pictures, but based on the perspective, I'd say the kids had some time on their hands and then got a hold of the camera! |
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