Saturday we went to the Easter Egg hunt at Doyle's work. The kids had a nice time visiting with the bunny and hunting for their eggs. The hunt had to be indoors because of the wet weather. They had milk and cake for everyone and coloring pages for the kids to do. They were each allowed to find 6 eggs. They had a blast finding them! Malin had to pick 6 different colors of eggs and Gavin just grabbed the closest 6 eggs! They were filled with lots of candy which they ate most of before we left! Before the egg hunt we went to Dicks and bought Malin a pair of Crocs (I will post a picture later) and then to Target to get Gavin a second carseat for the car (he is into the booster ones now!) Then, Malin and Gavin chose Applebees to eat at for lunch. That was about all the time we had before we needed to get to the egg hunt. So, we got gas...$2.69 a gallon...over $80 to fill up the Suburban! Ouch! Malin spent the night at Nana and Pappy Tom's house and the rest of us went to the Boy Scout Soup Supper...good cheap comfort food! Since Gavin missed his nap, he was in bed early. Doyle and I watched a movie again...gotta love Blockbuster online! If you haven't seen "Walk The Line" I would recommend it!
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