This weekend seemed like it started on Wednesday, when Uncle Brian stopped by the house for the evening. He was up visiting from Georgia for the weekend. The kids tumbled with him for a good hour, and left him completely tuckered out. |
 | Thursday, Mommy and the kids went swimming at Nana's, and had another good visit with Uncle Brian (and again, tired him out!). |
Daddy was off on Friday, and he had the morning to knock some things off his 'honey-do' list before Mommy decided that we were going to go camping for the weekend. We went to a campground just a few miles from home called Buttonwood, where Pappy was doing a civil war battle reenactment. After getting the campsite set up, we all headed up to the high school to watch the big alumni soccer game that Uncle Brian was playing in. They had a good turnout both in fans and players. I think there were over 30 alumns that played. All the alumns that Daddy talked to (including Uncle Brian) said that they were pretty stiff and sore after the game. |
After the game we headed to the campsite where we didn't really get much sleep. Saturday was a long day, but the kids had fun riding their bikes, swimming, and playing at the campsite's playground. |
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The kids (and thus Mommy and Daddy) slept much better Saturday night, despite the thunderstorm that blew through. Most of the morning Sunday was spent breaking camp before watching the battle in the early afternoon. Mommy and Daddy relaxed and watched the NASCAR race with Uncle Brian while the kids napped in to early evening. |
Finally, to finish our weekend off we headed to Aunt Beppers and Uncle Nick's house for a short visit, where the kids had fun tumbling in the yard. |  |
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