A busy week in the Kint household this week, mostly because of sick kids. Malin came dowstairs about 4:00 Wednesday morning, complaining that she couldn't sleep. She didn't have to get too close to Mommy and Daddy before we knew why -- we could feel the heat coming off of her! We took her temperature, and it was 104.3. We gave her Tylenol and got her undressed and wiped her down with a wet cloth. By the time Daddy left for work at 5:30, it was down to 103.5. We got her to the doctors and got her on an antibiotic for strep throat. By Thursday afternoon, Gavin had the same high fever, and was throwing up too. We didn't get any sick pictures of Malin, but here is a picture of Gavin curled up and napping in Mommy's lap, something he never does except when he's sick. |  |
 | So the other day, all on his own, Gavin got a screwdriver out of the tool drawer and managed to take the strike plate off of the door between the computer room and the great room. Mam-Maw caught him in the act, and didn't stop him (of course). When asked what he was doing, Gavin replied, "Daddy teached me how to do this. We worked together to fixed the electricity in my room." (Daddy allowed him to help put the cover plates back on the outlets after we painted his room). He went on to explain that the electricity comes up from the basement, and that Mam-maw needent worry, because he "already went to the basement and turned it off."!! He was doing so well with it that Mommy couldn't resist a picture. |
Malin has her first loose tooth. Actually, both of her bottom front teeth are loose -- the right a good bit more than the left. She is a little nervous about wiggling it, and isn't sure about the whole tooth-fairy thing, but she keeps asking for apples for a snack in hopes that it will fall out faster. More to come on this subject, I'm sure. |  |
 | Mam-Maw found a good deal on some 'Incredibles' fabric and made Gavin a couple of pillow cases. He asked a few days in a row to have them tied around his neck for a cape. Mam-Maw had some extra fabric, so she went ahead and made a real cape for him. Next, he said he needed a hat! Mam-Maw obliged with the last scrap of the fabric. He's been wearing his hat and cape around the house all week, and pretending to be Mr. Incredible. Here he is 'exercising' (Because Mr. Incredible needs a lot of that) on the treadmill, as Malin watches. |
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