
Lots of blogs have lists…lists of just about anything. I make lists. I like lists. Doyle does not like my lists, but I do. So, I thought I would start one for me (Stacie) on the blog. Just things to do. I won’t call it my bucket list, it's just a list of stuff...a list in no particular order…just ramblings. Of course, I want to share many of these things with my husband and kids, but this is about me…they can make their own lists! I am sure this will be fun to look at later. This is my list for today. Tomorrow it might change!
1. go to greece
2. host a dinner party with eight people I don’t know as well as I’d like
3. have a huge kitchen
4. cook awesome meals from scratch
5. carve my body into a state of fabulous
6. ski
7. grow mint
8. make mint tea
9. grow sunflowers
10. read the Bible from beginning to end
11. get more current with my scrapbooks
12. learn photography
13. give more stuff away
14. read more
15. complain less
16. take my kids on awesome adventures
17. thank God everyday for something
18. do crafts with my children
19. run a 5K
20. coordinate my decorations in the house
21. have a clean house for at least 18 hours in one day
22. see the redwoods in cali
23. see the mississippi river
24. get a photo wall
25. hug my sisters
26. make homemade bread on a regular basis
27. get the video camera out more often
28. coupon like crazy to get stellar deals
29. drink wine and like it
30. quit holding grudges
31. garden
32. fill up my ipod
33. go shopping in NYC and buy something crazy expensive
34. get a tiffany’s something for my daughter
35. display evidence of my grandfather’s love of hording
36. get a nice tan without damaging my skin
37. wear high heels and attend a fancy event
38. take great portraits
39. own a cool backdrop even if it is just a sheet
40. volunteer
41. teach my children the value of volunteering
42. give big
43. play the violin
44. track my history
45. reduce my carbon footprint
46. go fishing and catch a big one
47. revisit germany
48. attend different churches
49. spend more time outdoors
50. read more books
51. play tennis again
52. and be good at it
53. learn to not follow a recipe
54. place more trust in God
55. read the classics I should have read in high school
56. teach my kids how to play poker
56.5. learn to play poker so I can do #56
57. learn all I can from my parents
58. plant trees
59. keep up with the laundry
60. visit Alaska
61. attend a taping of a tv show
62. take a long train ride
63. have a long romantic dinner with my husband at a very expensive restaurant
64. visit pearl harbor
65. visit new Zealand
66. rv
67. give strength to someone feeling weak
68. drink more water
69. eat less food
70. enjoy leisurely time with the family
71. attend funerals
72. send cards and letters in the mail
73. remember birthdays
74. get over my fear of heights to be able to climb mountains
75. ride the Tube in London
76. start selling items in the basement
77. nurture self confidence and humility in my children
78. get a sewing machine
79. use the sewing machine
80. shop at goodwill more often
81. grow old
82. say I love you more
83. clean like my grandmother
84. save money wisely
85. own rental property
86. learn how to fix a computer
87. get up every day by 6 am
88. see more concerts/plays
89. kiss the kids
90. learn about birds
91. recycle more
92. make my bed on a daily basis
93. watch a space shuttle launch
94. visit national parks each year
95. go to Ireland
96. listen to classical music and appreciate its structure
97. fix up a room in record time
98. allow myself some me time and not feel guilty
99. get a pedicure…its much needed today!
100. update this list next year
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