Malin's got the SPIRIT and Gavin is a STRAW PIG...
I know they really should each have their own post because this is just such a big deal for both kids, but least I am blogging about it within a day of it happening! Both kids have finished up their year end activities and school is officially over! Gavin will be going to preschool 3 mornings a week next year and Malin will be in first grade. Both had great times in school this year and are already looking forward to what next year will hold.
Malin had an awards ceremony yesterday. She got the SPIRIT Award! She was sooo excited, she could hardly contain herself! She is super excited to have her picture in the paper, too. So, look for it in the Juniata Sentinel!

She also had fun day. I was able to help...she here is a picture.

Gavin was the straw pig in one of his plays. We were concerned that he wouldn't do it, but he was awesome! He really spoke his lines well! Then they danced to a few songs and did the limbo for us. Pure entertainment!

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