Two nights in a row I had the 'create post' window open, and two nights in a row I got distracted by other things. Lets see what all has happened. Monday morning I headed to State College to do the last of my PICCC sessions. So now I guess I have no excuse for not doing the job search stuff more in earnest. Monday was a bit of a lazy day. Malin had dance in the morning, I got to watch a good bit of the race in the afternoon, and I built a fort with the kids using the great room furniture and some blankets, and got some small things done around the house. Pap-Pap and Mom-Mom came over just as I was taking Malin and Gavin to soccer practice, so they came and watched a bit of practice before a big thunderstorm chased us out. Mom-Mom helped get Darin to bed, and they checked out all the wedding pictures that Stacie had take on Saturday while I got the other two settled. Had a nice chat with them before they headed home.
Tuesday --- Hmm. Seems like I did something useful on Tuesday, but I can't seem to think of what it was right now. It was hot. Had soccer practice in the evening - the kids were all wound up...Well, if I think of it, I'll come back to it.
Today was another hot day. Malin had dance again in the morning, and while she was there Stacie took a trip to find some corn. We had planned on picking it at the Aughey farm, but couldn't get anyone to answer the phone. So anyway, she bought 6 dozen ears from some Amish down the road, and we got started on that right away. Gavin and Darin stuck in a good long time helping to husk, and I did the silking while Stacie worked the kitchen end. Eventually she had to quit and pick up Malin, and get the kids stuff around for their trip. They went to Kenobel's Grove with Nana and Pappy Tom. After they left we laid Darin down for a nap and finished the corn. I think we got 18 quarts, so not a bad effort. We'll probably have to do one more go to get us through the winter. After that, I spend most of the rest of the day cleaning out the Suburban for our road trip this weekend. I shop-vac'ed it, and re-ran some wires for all the tech stuff I have in there. I finally got Darin his own movie screen. He was 'helping' me in the car and was so excited when I finally got it working. He got mad when I turned it off after testing it, but he'll have plenty of time to watch tomorrow!
After working in the car in the sun all afternoon, I was a sweaty mess, so I took a quick shower before heading off to soccer. Stacie had her first home & school meeting of the year, so Mam-Maw came over to watch Darin, and I did soccer solo. Luckily, I had a couple of parents step in, which was a big help. Unfortunately, the league organizer interrupted practice with a fundraiser hand-out and uniforms, and things were so disrupted after that that I just called it a night. It was 7:10, but I had only really done about 20 minutes of soccer stuff with them. I kind of thought it looked like a storm, but it went around. Hopefully none of the parents are too torqued about it.
Got home just ahead of the older two, got them calmed down and to bed and Stacie has been doing the packing with me gathering up some little things to help out where I can (I've found it's best not to interfere once she's on a packing 'mission'). Thought I'd blog a bit before I went to bed.
Oh, had an interesting job development today, but I need to make a phone call in the morning before I dish out any details.
Might be a few days until the next post, as we're headed out on vacation tomorrow morning. Perhaps we'll take the computer along and try to do something from on the road!
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