Summer "Vacation"

Ahh...summer vacation!
How nice for the kids!
Malin and Gavin have been playing so nicely together...they even let Darin join in the fun! The other day we moved some furniture around. Darin crawled in before I could get it all back together...
Right now, they are wrecking their rooms, but they are having a great time playing! I don't even go upstairs to see the carnage. They have been to Florida and back several times visiting Mom-Mom and Pap-Pap, they have been camping, they have been to California, they visited the library and got new cards, they sang the National Anthem, they have been to the moon, too! They have been parents, kids, teachers, pilots, drivers, you name it! They have suitcases packed with who knows what! It is so fun to just hang back and listen to them as I sit with my feet up sipping my sweet tea! The sound of kids playing nicely together...sweetness to my ears!
The month of June is crazy busy.
Malin is going to Bible School each night this week.
We have haircuts scheduled.
Darin's dr appointment.
Dance open house...must get tap shoes and a purple leotard.
Camping this weekend.
Swimming lessons.
New Hampshire for the weekend.
Our Bible School and more swimming lessons.
More camping...
Somewhere in there I must get the computer room has been waiting since March!
Railroad ties need yanked up
Weeds need killed
Laundry needs put away
Kids need played with
It's fun to be busy in the summer, but it's times like this when the kids are playing together with their things, that are the best times of all!
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