Not sure what the proper computer term is for people who have blogs and are slackers at updating it, but I am sure we qualify for whatever it is. Daddy took a whole week off of work and still didn't find time to blog. (More on that later)
Let's see...our week started out with all the holiday picnics. Saturday Mommy and Daddy headed to Cory and Colleen Snooks for their 'wedding reception' (They were married on the beach in Florida during the Penn State Bowl Game) while the kids stayed with Aunt Christie.
Sunday we went to Nana's in the afternoon. She had lots of good stuff on the grill, and lots of salads and side dishes. We had a full day of swimming and eating there, then went to Aunt Christie's in the evening. Aunt Christie did ribs on the grill, and Uncle Billy made home-made french fries in his deep fryer. Malin wanted to stay overnight there, but then had a melt-down just before Daddy went home, so she went home with him.
Monday we took a breather, staying at home and doing some yard work. Stacie went to the doctors to get some medicine for the cold she's been fighting. The kids are still not completely over it yet, either.
Tuesday we had a picnic at Tonya's. We had campfire food there -- mountain pies, hot dogs, bratwurst, smores, and broom handles. The hit of the night was Todd's water balloon launcher.
After all the late nights and with everyone under the weather, we pretty much stayed around the house for the rest of the week.
Saturday night we headed to Nana's again for an afternoon dip. Then the kids stayed overnight (Gavin's first time), while Mommy and Daddy went home and rented a couple of movies.
Today, Nana and Pappy Tom took the kids to
Del Grosso's Amusment Park near Tyrone. They had a good time, but were exhausted. They are just getting settled, which is good, because Daddy has been sleeping in until 9 every day, and needs to go to bed to get back in to his work routine!