Kint Prattle

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Scare Pair!

Both kids decided to go ‘scary’ this year --
Malin as a bat (in a home-made costume thanks to Nana);
and Gavin as a skeleton
Although the kids did dress up tonight for pictures and to walk to a couple of neighbors, we got most of our trick-or-treating in last night – visiting (around the county) the Holderman, Smith, Macoy, Durst, Tabb (x3), Aughey (x2), Beward, and Leister residences.
From all of us here, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Halfway there

On Friday Daddy took a half-day off to accompany Mommy to the doctor's for her 20 week ultrasound. As with Malin and Gavin, we decided not to find out what gender we are having this time. But we did find out that we have a very stubborn baby. It took the ultrasound tech almost twice as long as normal because the baby kept wiggling in to positions that made it impossible to get the right angle for the pictures. Finally after about 10 minutes of trying to get the last picture, the tech gave up! The tech said everything measured normally for this stage, although we won't get the 'official' results from the doctor until later this week. Since the two of us were in Harrisburg together with no kids, we decided to make a date of it. We went out to dinner, and got a start on our Christmas shopping. Daddy even saved room for Cold Stone ice cream on the way home!
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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Autumn Adventures

The nights are getting longer, the weather is gettting colder and the leaves have changed colors and are falling off the trees. And that means -- yard work for Daddy! Oh, and it also means that the kids have been having a blast playing in the leaves (which consequently means even MORE yard work for Daddy!)
Their favorite thing recently is for one of them to fill the sliding board with leaves and then making a pile of leaves to land in by sliding down and pushing the leaves in front of them.
These pictures were taken yesterday while the kids were in the care of their grandmother and aunts, so please -- no comments on the fact that it was cold enough for Malin to be wearing a hat and gloves but that she was dressed in a skirt!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Day of School

These pictures are of Malin [and Gavin, of course] on her way to her first day of preschool this year. The pictures are a few weeks old, but seeing as 1) I didn't post them at the time and 2) I still haven't taken any new picures recently, now is a good a time as any to post them for everyone to enjoy!
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Wow, has it really been almost 3 weeks since I've posted here? I could give you all kinds of unsatisfactory excuses, like how we haven't done anything or how Aunt Christie borrowed the camera for her trip to the beach, or how Daddy has been fiddling with his new TV instead of blogging, but what's the point!
Here's a handful of pictures to tide you over until the next time. Gavin with some of his artistic creations, and Malin on her school field trip to Brummer's farm.
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