Kint Prattle

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Locks of Love

For quite a long time now, Malin has been talking about getting her hair cut. And, she wanted to do Locks of Love. So, today was the day!

Her only thoughts with a hair cut were that she wanted bangs! I really didn't want bangs, but hey, it's only will grow back, right? So, I allowed her to decide since I thought it may be tramatic for a 5 year old to get 13 inches of hair cut off at once. (I remember vividly when I got a lot chopped off at once and I was very tramatized - and I was a lot older!) But, she smiled all the way through!

She is so excited and she made the comment that she looked like Dora, Live! It will be much cooler for her and with swimming it will stay out of her eyes much better!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Been a while!

Wow, Daddy has just seemed so busy lately that he hasn't had time to turn around. The long days at work are still going strong, we had our Memorial Day weekend scheduled so full (6 picnics in 4 days) that we felt like we were living out of our car, and a death in the family added to the confusion. So here's my attempt to catch everyone up, and also to add something new to my blog.
Let's go way back to the 16th -- Daddy took the day off work to take Malin to her end-of-the-school-year field trip. We went to Lake Tobias. We got to see llamas, bison, sheep, goats, elk, all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, we forgot to make sure the camera battery was charged before we left, so we didn't get any pictures of Malin petting the aligator or the 16 foot python. Below are a handful of pictures from that day, or see this picture from Aunt Christie's blog of Daddy and a camel!:
The next group of pictures is from the 19th. Last year when we mulched, we filled Pappy's pickup truck 22 times. This year we decided to avoid all that messing around by having Uncle Billy deliver one big load in his tri-axle dumptruck. It is quite a mountain of mulch - about 23 yards (about 1/2 of what we need!), and of course, the kids have been playing in and on it. This day, they got absolutely filthy! Here's some snapshots of the mess, and cleaning up afterward!
And last (hopefully this blog entry isn't too busy), a bunch of pictures from our various picnics over the Memorial Day holiday.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Photo Shoot!

Darin apparently was being particularly animated one day this week, so Mommy posed him and snapped a bunch of pictures. This is but a small sample of his many faces.
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Darin had his 8-week (Oh, my -- 8 weeks already!) checkup on Monday. He officially weighs 14lbs, 4 oz, and is 25 1/2 inches long. So despite his only slightly above average start, he is now comforably in to the 95th+ percentile in both length and weight, just like his big brother and big sister. Here is the big fella taking his first bottle from Daddy last night, and then 4 minutes and 5 ounces later...
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