Well, the weather here in central PA can't seem to make up it's mind. In the past week we've gone from mid-seventies to enough snow to cancel school and back to the seventies again. It's hard to believe these two pictures were taken just a few days apart. Gavin's latest (see picture on left) is to play 'Bob the Builder'. He gets some spare two by fours out of the garage, all the bricks and landscape stone he can find, and builds a 'house' with them by stacking them and covering them with dirt.
Malin and Gavin created this one day with Play-Doh and a bowling pin.
And here's Darin. He is starting to 'see' a lot more -- he's much more active and looking around when he's awake, and is growing and getting stronger every day. And he's still one of the most relaxed babies Daddy's ever seen!
She is so excited to have finally lost her first tooth! Daddy wiggled it for days and we knew it was going to come out soon. She said she is glad it is over.
Darin has had a steady stream of visitors this week, lots of gifts, even a few meals to help Mommy out -- all things we missed with the other two kids, having had them so far away from family and friends. Malin and Gavin have been huge helps also. They both enjoy holding Darin and singing songs to him. Malin has even helped give him a sponge bath a couple of nights. Darin sleeps most of the day between feedings, has an hour or more of fussy time sometime between 8 pm and 2 am, and has been going three or more hours between feedings overnight. So far he has been pretty easy, so we are keeping our fingers crossed!
Darin and Mommy arrived home this afternoon after a four night stay in the hospital. Darin's Bilirubin is down and his weight is up, and Mommy has her staples out. Here is a nice close up -- he was wide awake and curious for his ride home.
And here are a few other snapshots -- Daddy changing Darin from his hospital clothes to his 'going home' clothes; Mommy and Darin all ready to go; and Malin, Gavin, and Mam-Maw welcoming Darin home.
Daddy was permitted to take his camera in to the O.R. for Mommy's C-section, and got some pretty neat (In Dadddy's opinion) pictures of Darin's delvery. These were taken from above Mommy's left shoulder, looking over the surgical drapes toward her belly. Be forwarned -- they are graphic and not for the weak-stomached, so Daddy has 'hidden' the pictures for the blog. Mouse-over the placeholders to see the actual pictures...
This is the surgeon reaching in for Darin's head. This is the first Daddy could see Darin.
It's a boy (and Daddy could tell!)
At first, the surgeon though that Darin's umbilical cord had a figure eight knot in it (Rather rare, somewhat dangerous). It ended up having two true knots in it. (Very rare and even more dangerous!)
Finally, detached from Mommy, all wiped off (well, mostly), and under the incubator. Time: 5:22 am