Kint Prattle

Monday, September 17, 2007

Doyle's 15th year reunion


Took some pictures from Jon Whitsel's website and moved them here for you all to see...Thanks Jon! If you want to see more pictures...check out Jon's Website

I think everyone had a good time. We did. Doyle won a gift to the Winter Ballet..Malin was thrilled!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Darin's slide show!

Darin went to the doctors this morning for his 6th month checkup. He weighed in at 21 lbs 9 oz. And, he is 28 inches long. He is growing fast! He got 4 shots and a prescription for floride! All looks well. We visit the eye dr on Monday to get his lazy eye checked out...we are hoping that his muscles are getting stronger and that we won't have to have anything done. Other than that, he is sitting up all by himself and is enyoying chewing on everything - but no teeth, yet.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Gavin is off to preschool

He was very excited...let's hope he is when I pick him up!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Malin (& Daddy!)


Here's the birthday girl.
6 years old.
All excited.
Ready for school.
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Well...Daddy felt a little left out that I didn't get up to get a picture of the birthday boy. We will get one tonight. But, I just realized that Malin has 3 fingers up on each hand...Daddy is 33! How neat! So, I guess the 3.3 is for him, too!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Big Day Prep Work

We made cupcakes with what else but PINK sprinkles and M&M pretzel things for Malin's birthday treat for school tomorrow. She was so excited about it! We are also taking in clear Kool-aid. It is hard to believe that she will be 6! And, that her Daddy will be 33! Happy Birthday you two!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Free Rides


As always...the free "rides" at the fair are the most popular!
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Blue Ribbon!


Malin won a blue ribbon at the fair!
When we went to the mountain for Mom's birthday in August, we gathered up some neat, small plants to put into a terrarium to take to the fair...and Malin won! She was so excited. It was the only thing we entered in the fair and we are pumped to get started on all kinds of things for next year! Hopefully we will!
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